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Variant Calling with GATK

Technical workshop, UCLA QCBio Collaboratory, 2020

As part of the B.I.G. (Bruins in Genomics) summer program, the QCBio Institute at UCLA offers undergraduate students an opportunity to engage in a highly immersive research program. Workshops were provided to train the students in advanced methods of genomics data analysis. The workshop I taught consisted of three three-hour sessions covering a comprehensive variant caller pipeline using the GATK suite of tools.

Single cell RNA-sequencing data analysis with R

Technical workshop, UCLA QCBio Collaboratory, 2022

This workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the fundamental concepts and algorithms used in the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data. Its primary objective is to provide attendees the skills necessary to independently conduct data analysis on their own datasets. The workshop covers the most common steps of a typical scRNA-seq data analysis pipeline, including the creation of gene count matrices, quality control, data normalization, feature selection, dimensionality reduction, cell clustering, and annotation. Throughout this workshop, we employ the Seurat package for performing these data analysis steps. Moreover, we delve into the mathematical and statistical principles underpinning these procedures, providing a comprehensive understanding and rationale for the entire pipeline.